Saturday, August 14, 2010

Breakfast...not just another past time

Often breakfast is the best meal of the day.  And on weekends, it is the BEST meal of the day.  It's the meal where you can have savory and sweet, salty and pungent all on the same plate.  You can't ask for much better!

So a good tip with bacon is that you can cook off mass amounts in the OVEN, yes I said oven.....this  method keeps the bacon straight, and doesn't splatter everywhere like when you do it on the stove top.  Preheat your oven to 400F, get a cookie sheet pan, or anything oven safe and flat, lay your bacon out without overlapping, and throw that sucker into the oven.  Around the 10-12 min mark, you should be checking the bacon for whatever "crispiness" you desire....11 min usually give you a crisp with a bit of meatiness left, and 13 min will give you mostly crispy....if you have extra thick bacon, adjust the times by 2-3 min each. You can get anywhere from 6-8 pieces of bacon done each sheet tray.  Onto eggs....

I started sauteing  a cubed up fresh Spanish chorizo sausage.  Chorizo has a smoky and spicy flavor so it adds a great depth of flavor to any base you are creating.  Sauté the chorizo for about 8 min till you have crispy edges and the sausage has given off a beautiful orange oil.  Get some eggs from the fridge and let them sit out for 3-4 minutes before scrambling them.  This helps break and distribute the yolks easier.  In a bowl, crack the eggs and add s&p to season.  Optionally you can add a splash of milk to the eggs to give it a smoother finish.  Beat the eggs till you get small frothy bubbles.  Add eggs into the pan with the chorizo and turn off the heat on your stove top.  Stir the eggs around outer to inner and vice versa.  The residual heat from the pan should cook the eggs through.  You'll know you're eggs are cooked perfectly when they barely start to come together and become should have the consistency of soft pillows, and not a rubbery mess.

Top your eggs with a scallion sauce made from one bunch of scallions cut and cleaned for the blender.  Add 2 garlic cloves, s&p (salt and pepper), the juice and zest of one lemon....turn the blender on and drizzle oil in...voila...tangy, savory all in one sauce.  I add tomatoes marinated in white wine vinegar (5min) on the eggs also to bring out the brightness and acidity of the fruit....try it out, and let me know what you think.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I don't know why I didn't comment earlier, but this recipe is very good! It's actually really easy to make. The dish both tastes great and looks very colorful. The chorizo complements the eggs (as well as the sauce). Nice job :)

    I'm really looking forward to cooking more of these recipes
